Database for $e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-$ channels

Experiment Year Reference (link to INSPIRE-HEP) Link to Hepdata Details Status
BESIII (BEPC, Beijing) 2016 Phys.Lett.B 753(2016) 629-638 [errata: Phys.Lett.B 812 (2021) 135982] ins1385603 details Finalized
BaBar (SLAC, Stanford U.) 2016 Phys.Rev.D 86 (2012) 032013 details In Preparation
CLEO (CESR, Cornell U.) 2018 Phys.Rev.D 97 (2018) 3, 032012 ins1643020 details Finalized
CLEO (CESR, Cornell U.) 2013 Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 (2013) 2, 022002 ins1189656 details Finalized
CLEOc (CESR, Cornell U.) 2005 Phys.Rev.Lett. 95 (2005) 261803 ins693873 details Finalized
KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati) 2017 JHEP 03 (2018) 173 details In Preparation
KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati) 2012 Phys.Lett.B 720 (2013) 336-343 details In Preparation
KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati) 2010 Phys.Lett.B 700 (2011) 102-110 details In Preparation
KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati) 2008 Phys.Lett.B 670 (2009) 285-291 ins797438 details In Review
KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati) 2004 Phys.Lett.B 606 (2005) 12-24, 2005 ins655225 details In Review
MEA (ADONE, Lab. Naz. Frascati) 1980 Lett.Nuovo Cim. 28 (1980) 337-342 ins158283 details Finalized
MEA (ADONE, Lab. Naz. Frascati) 1977 Phys.Lett.B 67 (1977) 239-242 ins124109 details Finalized
BCF (ADONE, Lab. Naz. Frascati) 1975 Lett.Nuovo Cim. 14 (1975) 418 ins100180 details Finalized
NA007 (CERN) 1984 Phys.Lett.B 138 (1984) 454-458 ins195944 details Finalized
ACO (Orsay) 1976 LAL-1287 ins109771 details Finalized
ACO (Orsay) 1972 Phys.Lett.B 39 (1972) 289-293 ins73648 details Finalized
DM2 (DCI, Orsay) 1989 Phys.Lett.B 220 (1989) 321-327 ins267118 details Finalized
DM1 (DCI, Orsay) 1978 Phys.Lett.B 76 (1978) 512-516 ins134061 details Finalized
SND (VEPP-2000, Novosibirsk) 2021 JHEP 01 (2021) 113 ins1789269 details Finalized
SND (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 2005 J.Exp.Theor.Phys. 101 (2005) 6, 1053-1070, Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 128 (2005) 6, 1201-1219 [errata: HEP-EX/0605013] ins686349 details Finalized
CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 2007 Phys.Lett.B 648 (2007) 28-38 ins728302 details Finalized
CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 2006 JETP Lett. 84 (2006) 413-417, Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 84 (2006) 491-495 ins728191 details Finalized
CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 2005 JETP Lett. 82 (2005) 743-747, Pisma Zh.Eksp.Teor.Fiz. 82 (2005) 841-845 ins712216 details Finalized
CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 2002 Phys.Lett.B 527 (2002) 161-172 [errata: HEP-EX/0308008] ins568807 details Finalized
OLYA (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 1984 Nucl.Phys.B 256 (1985) 365-384 ins221309 Table 1 details Finalized
CMD (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 1983 Nucl.Phys.B 256 (1985) 365-384 ins221309 Table 2 details Finalized
TOF (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk) 1981 Yad.Fiz. 33 (1981) 709-714, Sov.J.Nucl.Phys. 33 (1981) 368-370 ins167191 details Finalized
VEPP-2 (Novosibirsk) 1972 Phys.Lett.B 41 (1972) 205-208 ins75634 details Finalized
VEPP-2 (Novosibirsk) 1971 Phys.Lett.B 34 (1971) 328-332 ins69313 details Finalized
VEPP-2 (Novosibirsk) 1969 Yad.Fiz. 9 (1969) 114-119, Phys.Lett.B 25 (1967) 6, 433-435 ins57008 details Finalized


BESIII (BEPC, Beijing), 2016

  • hepdata: ins1385603
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst and $Cov^{stat}(x,y)$)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma_{FSR})}^{bare}$ (stat, syst and $Cov^{stat}(x,y)$)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.6 - 0.9
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes, FSR
  • comment:

BaBar (SLAC, Stanford U.), 2012

  • status: in preparation
  • hepdata: ins1114155
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • In preparation
  • energy[GeV]: 0.3 - 3
  • radiative corrections:
    • In preparation
  • comment:
    • In preparation

CLEO (CESR, Cornell U.), 2018

  • hepdata: ins1643020
  • method: ISR
  • quotes:
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.3 - 1.0
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes, according to PHOKHARA
  • comment:
    • No cov matrix

CLEO (CESR, Cornell U.), 2005

  • hepdata: ins1189656
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $F_\pi$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 3.772 - 4.17
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes
  • comment:
    • Unclear if the PFF is with or w/out VP, FSR

CLEO (CESR, Cornell U.), 2005

  • hepdata: ins693873
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $F_\pi$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 3.671
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes
  • comment:
    • Unclear if the PFF is with or w/out VP, FSR

KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati), 2017

  • status: in preparation

  • hepdata: 1634981

  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $d\sigma/dQ^2 (\pi^+\pi^-\gamma)$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
    • $F_\pi$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.32 - 0.97
  • radiative corrections:
    • VP corr. updated to 'alphaQED16.tar.gz' package by F. Jegerlehner (2016)
    • Remaining are in inspirehep-797438, inspirehep-859660, inspirehep-1208095
  • comment:
    • combination of KLOE08, KLOE10 and KLOE12 data;
    • updates for inspirehep-797438, inspirehep-859660, inspirehep-1208095

KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati), 2012

  • status: in preparation

  • hepdata: ins1208095

  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $\sigma$ (stat, syst)
    • $F_\pi$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.59 - 0.97
  • radiative corrections:
    • FSR corrections on muons from PHOKHARA 4.0 Eur.Phys.J. C39, 411 (2005)
    • VP corr. for $F_\pi$ from 'alphaQEDn.uu' package by F. Jegerlehner (2003)
    • pointlike pion FSR corr. for $F_\pi$ from Eur.Phys.J. C4, 51-69 (2002)
  • comment:
    • normalized to muons
    • updated data available at inspirehep-1634981

KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati), 2010

  • status: in preparation
  • hepdata: ins859660
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $d\sigma/dQ^2 (\pi\pi\gamma)$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma$ (stat, syst)
    • $F_\pi$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.32 - 0.92
  • radiative corrections:
    • Func. from PHOKHARA 5.0 Eur.Phys.J. C47 (2006), Phys.Lett.B611, 116 (2005)
    • VP corr. from 'alphaQEDn.uu' package by F. Jegerlehner (2003)
    • FSR correction from Eur.Phys.J. C 24, 51-69 (2002)
  • comment:
    • normalized to Bhabha luminosity
    • updated data available at inspirehep-1634981

KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati), 2008

  • status: in review

  • hepdata: ins797438

  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $d\sigma/dQ^2 (\pi^+\pi^-\gamma)$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)}$ (stat, syst)
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.59 - 0.97
  • radiative corrections:
    • Rad. func. from PHOKHARA 2.0 Eur.Phys.J. C27, 563 (2003)
    • VP corr. from 'alphaQEDn.uu' package by F. Jegerlehner (2003)
    • FSR correction from Eur.Phys.J. C24, 51-69 (2002)
  • comment:
    • normalized to Bhabha luminosity
    • updated data available at inspirehep-1634981

KLOE (DAPHNE, Frascati), 2004

  • status: in review

  • hepdata: ins655225

  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $d\sigma/dQ^2 (\pi^+\pi^-\gamma)$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{(\pi^+\pi^-)}$ (stat, syst)
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.59 - 0.97
  • radiative corrections:
    • Rad. func. from PHOKHARA 3.0 Eur.Phys.J. C33, 333 (2004)
    • VP corr. from 'alphaQEDn.uu' package by F. Jegerlehner (2003)
    • FSR correction from Eur.Phys.J. C 24, 51-69 (2002)
  • comment:
    • normalized to Bhabha luminosity
    • superseded by inspirehep-797438

MEA (ADONE, Lab. Naz. Frascati), 1980

  • hepdata: ins158283
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat)
  • energy[GeV]: 1.45 - 1.52
  • radiative corrections:
    • No Mention
  • comment:
    • Errors not divided; no mention to formula from $F_\pi$, $s$

MEA (ADONE, Lab. Naz. Frascati), 1977

  • hepdata: ins124109
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (tot)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (tot)
  • energy[GeV]: 1.6
  • radiative corrections:
    • No Mention
  • comment:
    • Errors not divided; no mention to formula from $F_\pi$, $s$

BCF (ADONE, Lab. Naz. Frascati), 1975

  • hepdata: ins100180
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $F_\pi$ (tot)
  • energy[GeV]: 1.2 -3.0
  • radiative corrections:
    • No Mention
  • comment:
    • Errors not divided

NA007 (CERN), 1984

  • hepdata: ins109771
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.318 - 0.422
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes
  • comment:

ACO (Orsay), 1976

  • hepdata: ins109771
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
  • $|F_\pi|^{2}$ (stat)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.915 - 1.076
  • radiative corrections:
    • No description
  • comment:
    • Report number: LAL-1287 (PAPER MISSING); systematic errors to be added

ACO (Orsay), 1972

  • hepdata: ins73648
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.705 - 0.990
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes in an approximate formula
  • comment:
    • Not clear if $\sigma_{\pi+\pi-}^{bare}$ or not; systematic errors to be added

DM2 (DCI, Orsay), 1989

  • hepdata: ins267118
  • method: Direct quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^{2}$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 1.350 - 2.385
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes, in the peaking approximation
  • comment:

DM1 (DCI, Orsay), 1978

  • hepdata: ins134061
  • method: Direct quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^{2}$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.483 - 1.096
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes
  • comment:

SND (VEPP-2000, Novosibirsk), 2021

  • hepdata: ins1789269
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}^{bare}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.5251 - 0.8832
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by MCGPJ

SND (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 2005 (errata)

  • hepdata: ins686349
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (only uncorrelated errors)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (only uncorrelated errors)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}^{pol}$ (only uncorrelated errors)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.39 - 0.97
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by MCGPJ
  • comment:

CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 2007

  • hepdata: ins728302
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}^{bare}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.6 - 0.97
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by MCGPJ

CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 2006

  • hepdata: ins728191
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}^{bare}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.37 - 0.52
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by MCGPJ

CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 2005

  • hepdata: ins712216
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.98 - 1.38
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by MCGPJ

CMD2 (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 2002 (errata)

  • hepdata: ins568807
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (tot, stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}^{bare}$ (tot, stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.6105 - 0.96152
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by MCGPJ
  • comment:

OLYA (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 1984

  • hepdata: ins221309
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.4 - 1.397
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes partially
  • comment:
    • data should be corrected by VP:
      • used only lepton part of VP in luminosity
      • lepton VP in luminosity subtracted from measured $F_\pi$
    • correction:
      • $[\alpha(t_{min})\,/\,\alpha_{lep}(t_{min})]^2 \cdot [\alpha_{lep}(s)/\alpha]^2$
      • $t_{min}=-s \cdot [1-\cos(th_{cut})]/2$
      • $\cos(th_{cut})=0.71$

CMD (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 1983

  • hepdata: ins221309
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (stat, syst)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat, syst)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.360 - 0.820
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes partially
  • comment:
    • data should be corrected by VP:
      • used only lepton part of VP in luminosity
      • lepton VP in luminosity subtracted from measured $F_\pi$
    • correction:
      • $[\alpha(t_{min})\,/\,\alpha_{lep}(t_{min})]^2 \cdot [\alpha_{lep}(s)/\alpha]^2$
      • $t_{min}=-s \cdot [1-\cos(th_{cut})]/2$
      • $\cos(th_{cut})=0.6$

TOF (VEPP-2M, Novosibirsk), 1981

  • hepdata: ins167191
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $F_\pi$ (stat)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (stat)
  • energy[GeV]: 0.4 - 0.46
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes partially
  • comment:
    • data should be corrected by VP:
      • used only lepton part of VP in luminosity
      • lepton VP subtracted from measured $F_\pi$
    • correction:
      • $[\alpha(t_{min})\,/\,\alpha_{lep}(t_{min})]^2 \cdot [\alpha_{lep}(s)/\alpha]^2$
      • $t_{min}=-s \cdot [1-\cos(th_{cut})]/2$
      • $\cos(th_{cut})=0.24$
    • part of systematic is included in total error
    • cross section without FSR

VEPP-2 (Novosibirsk), 1972

  • hepdata: ins75634
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (tot)
    • $\sigma_{\pi^+\pi^-}$ (tot)
  • energy [GeV]: 1.18 - 1.34
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by Baier group
  • comment:
    • systematic is included in total error

VEPP-2 (Novosibirsk), 1971

  • hepdata: ins69313
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (tot)
  • energy [GeV]: 1.02
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes by Baier group
  • comment:
    • systematic is included in total error

VEPP-2 (Novosibirsk), 1969

  • hepdata: ins57008
  • method: Direct
  • quotes:
    • $|F_\pi|^2$ (tot)
  • energy [GeV]: 0.575 - 1.000
  • radiative corrections:
    • Yes with Baier group calculation
  • comment: