Plot BaBar 2012 $\sigma(e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^- (\gamma))$

Plot BaBar $\sigma(e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^- (\gamma))$

The latest BaBar measurements are published in two papers, a PRL and a later PRD containing more detailed information. Both papers report the cross-section information in the supplemental material, in ASCII files that are identical.

The data report the "bare cross section including FSR" in nb, and in detail:

  • the cross-section and its total undertainty in variable-width bins of energy
  • the per-mil relative systematic uncertainty (per energy bin, 100% correlated on all bins)
  • the statistical correlation between any two bins of cross-section

In the following the data are used to show a few plots using the Julia language.

In [3]:
using DataFrames
## using DataFramesMeta

using TextParse
using CSV

using FileIO

## using Plots
using StatsPlots
using Measures

using LaTeXStrings
using Query
In [4]:
  size = (700, 400),
  framestyle = :box,
  tickdirection = :out,
  top_margin = 4pt,
  bottom_margin = 4pt,
  left_margin = 4pt,
  right_margin = 10pt,
  ## color = 1,
  mswidth = 1,
  mscolor = :auto,
  markershape = :auto,
  legend = true,
  titlefontsize = 12,
  fillalpha = 0.50,


plots_cpal = palette(:auto)
plots_mshapes = (
  :circle, :rect, :utriangle, :dtriangle, :rtriangle, :ltriangle, :star5, :diamond,
  :hexagon, :cross, :xcross, :pentagon, :star4

## savefig() without side-effect of printing pending figures

function savefigsilent(plt::Plots.Plot{Plots.PyPlotBackend}, fn::AbstractString)
  ##--- brutally close all pending figures prepared for display according to PyPlot
  for manager in PyPlot.Gcf."get_all_fig_managers"()
    f = manager."canvas"."figure"
    if f.number  PyPlot.withfig_fignums
      ##--- close only figures not suspended for further handling
  savefig(plt, fn)
savefigsilent(fn::AbstractString) = savefigsilent(current(), fn::AbstractString)

## savefig() in dedicated folder

mysavefig(plt::Plots.Plot{Plots.PyPlotBackend}, fn::AbstractString) = 
  savefigsilent(plt, joinpath(myfolder, fn))
mysavefig(fn::AbstractString) = savefigsilent(joinpath(myfolder, fn))

In [5]:
## defs and functions
In [6]:
## readlines_enh() enhanced readlines() function
## - <skipto> begin reading from indicated line
## - <limit> number of lines to read
function readlines_enh(filename::AbstractString; skipto=1, limit=Inf, kw...)
  open(filename) do f
    readlines_enh(f, skipto=skipto, limit=limit; kw...)
## readlines_enh() from file stream
readlines_enh(s=stdin; skipto=1, limit=Inf, kw...) =
  collect(Iterators.take(Iterators.drop(eachline(s; kw...), skipto-1), limit))
In [7]:
## get extrema and extend them by desired amount
function extrema_ext(A, ext)
  a, b = extrema(A)
  marg = (b-a)*ext
  a-marg, b+marg
extrema_ext (generic function with 1 method)
In [8]:
## code
In [9]:
## download BaBar Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 032013 suppl. mat.
## this is not any more available
## tmpfile = download("")

## get supplementary material from
## (requires authentication) and place file in "babar-2012/BABAR_ISR2pi_EPAPS.txt"
tmpfile = "babar-2012/BABAR_ISR2pi_EPAPS.txt" 

In [10]:
## read cross-section val and unc of cross-section by energy bin
## - data in lines 30..366
## format is
## E_l    E_h           val                      unc
## 2.8  : 2.9           0.009181                 0.0132598"
sigma_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(
  skipto=30, limit=337, delim=' ', ignorerepeated=true,
  header=[:E_l, :colon, :E_h, :sigma_val, :sigma_unc]
select!(sigma_df, Not(:colon))

##--- add energy bin mid-point
transform!(sigma_df, [:E_l, :E_h] => ( (E_l, E_h) -> (E_l+E_h)/2 ) => :E)

display(first(sigma_df, 4))

4 rows × 5 columns

E_l E_h sigma_val sigma_unc E
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 0.3 0.31 25.4904 2.69943 0.305
2 0.31 0.32 35.4801 2.91464 0.315
3 0.32 0.33 45.4858 3.04669 0.325
4 0.33 0.34 51.7825 3.13355 0.335
In [11]:
## read cross-section systematic uncertainties

## read 1 line reporting energy intervals [E_l, E_h] for systematic contributions
## resulting DataFrame ha 1 row with 8 strings of rormat E_l_i,E_h_i
tmp_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(
  skipto=388, limit=1, delim=' ', ignorerepeated=true,
## convert first row of tmp_df into a vector and then a newline-separated stream
## and then read the stream as a DF with two columns E_l, E_h and 8 rows
sigma_syst_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(IOBuffer(join(Vector(tmp_df[1, :]), "\n")), header=[:E_l, :E_h], delim='-'))

## read line with systematic unc's for the just read energy intervals, 8 numbers in parenthesis
line_tmp = readlines_enh(tmpfile, skipto=401, limit=1)
line_tmp = strip(replace(line_tmp[1],  r"\(([^\)]*)\)" => s"\1"))
##--- read numeric values into DF with 1 row and 8 columns
tmp_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(IOBuffer(convert(String, line_tmp)),
    delim=' ', ignorerepeated=true, header=false))

##--- remove columns with no data
## tmp_df = tmp_df[!, eltype.(eachcol(tmp_df)) .!= Missing]
##--- add total systematic uncertainties to DF of syst. uncert.
sigma_syst_df.sigma_syst_unc_permille = Vector(tmp_df[1, :])
##--- add to dataframe energy bins mid point
transform!(sigma_syst_df, [:E_l, :E_h] => ( (E_l, E_h) -> (E_l+E_h)/2 ) => :E)
display(first(sigma_syst_df, 4))

4 rows × 4 columns

E_l E_h sigma_syst_unc_permille E
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 0.3 0.4 13.8 0.35
2 0.4 0.5 8.1 0.45
3 0.5 0.6 10.2 0.55
4 0.6 0.9 5.0 0.75
In [12]:
## return first index for which x is in the range of lower[row]..upper[row]
function find_E_bin(x::T, lower::AbstractArray{T, 1}, upper::AbstractArray{T, 1})::Union{Int64, Nothing}  where T <: Real
  nrow = length(lower)
  nrow == length(upper) || throw("lower / upper size mismatch")
  for row in 1:nrow
    if (x >= lower[row] && x <= upper[row])
      return row
  return nothing
find_E_bin (generic function with 1 method)
In [13]:
## return cross-section value from energy E
## by finding the appropriate energy bin
function sigma_val(E::Float64)::Union{Float64, Missing}
  E_bin = find_E_bin(E, sigma_df.E_l, sigma_df.E_h)
  ifelse(isnothing(E_bin), missing, sigma_df.sigma_val[E_bin])

function sigma_syst_unc(E::Float64)::Union{Float64, Missing}
  E_bin = find_E_bin(E, sigma_syst_df.E_l, sigma_syst_df.E_h)
  val = sigma_val(E)
  if isnothing(E_bin)
    sigma_val(E) * sigma_syst_df[E_bin, :sigma_syst_unc_permille] / float(1000)

## compute systematic covariance using the systematics per energy bins
## systematics are "100% correlated in all energy bins"
function sigma_syst_cov(E_x::Float64, E_y::Float64)::Union{Float64, Missing}
  sigma_syst_unc(E_x) * sigma_syst_unc(E_y)

## systematics covariance is 100% wherever it is defined
function sigma_syst_corr(E_x, E_y)::Union{Float64, Missing}
  if ismissing(sigma_syst_unc(E_x) * sigma_syst_unc(E_y))
sigma_syst_corr (generic function with 1 method)
In [14]:
## the txt file lists the statistical covariance row by row using the energy bins
## defined for reporting the cross section
## there are N energy bins, the covariance is a matrix with rows and colums
## the first values are for columns 1:N and row=1
## the next values are for columns 1:N and row=2 and so on
if true
  ## get statistical covariance
  sigma_stat_df = DataFrame(CSV.File(
      skipto=406, limit=337*337,
      delim=' ', ignorerepeated=true,
  ## alternative way of getting stat. cov.
  sigma_stat_df = DataFrame(sigma_stat_cov = parse.(Float64, strip.(
      readlines_enh(tmpfile, skipto=407, limit=337*337))))

In [15]:
## build a dataframe where for each covariance coefficient we have:
## - column central energy, low edge of energy bin, high edge of energy bin
## - same as above for the row
## this dataframe is used for doing a contour plot

sigma_stat_df.E_l_r = repeat(sigma_df.E_l, inner=nrow(sigma_df))
sigma_stat_df.E_h_r = repeat(sigma_df.E_h, inner=nrow(sigma_df))
sigma_stat_df.E_l_c = repeat(sigma_df.E_l, outer=nrow(sigma_df))
sigma_stat_df.E_h_c = repeat(sigma_df.E_h, outer=nrow(sigma_df))
transform!(sigma_stat_df, [:E_l_r, :E_h_r] => ( (E_l, E_h) -> (E_l+E_h)/2 ) => :E_r)
transform!(sigma_stat_df, [:E_l_c, :E_h_c] => ( (E_l, E_h) -> (E_l+E_h)/2 ) => :E_c)

display(first(sigma_stat_df, 4))

4 rows × 7 columns

sigma_stat_cov E_l_r E_h_r E_l_c E_h_c E_r E_c
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 7.16412 0.3 0.31 0.3 0.31 0.305 0.305
2 0.811213 0.3 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.305 0.315
3 0.0292493 0.3 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.305 0.325
4 0.216073 0.3 0.31 0.33 0.34 0.305 0.335
In [16]:
## plot cross-section vs. energy (stat. unc. only)
curpl = @df sigma_df plot(
  yerror = :sigma_unc,
  title = L"$\sigma[e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)]$",
  xlabel = "Energy [GeV]",
  ylabel = L"$\sigma$ [nb]",
  markerstrokecolor = :auto,
  legend = false
## mysavefig(curpl, "curpl.pdf")
## display(curpl)
2022-05-07T19:50:08.130992image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.5.2,
sys:1: UserWarning: You passed a edgecolor/edgecolors ((0.0, 0.6056031611752245, 0.9786801175696073, 1.0)) for an unfilled marker ('+').  Matplotlib is ignoring the edgecolor in favor of the facecolor.  This behavior may change in the future.
sys:1: UserWarning: You passed a edgecolor/edgecolors ((0.0, 0.6056031611752245, 0.9786801175696073, 1.0)) for an unfilled marker ('_').  Matplotlib is ignoring the edgecolor in favor of the facecolor.  This behavior may change in the future.
In [17]:
## plot cross-section vs. energy around rho / omega interference
curpl = @df sigma_df plot(
  title=L"$\sigma[e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)]$",
  xlabel="Energy [GeV]",
  ylabel=L"$\sigma$ [nb]",
  markerstrokecolor = :auto,
  legend = false,
## mysavefig(curpl, "curpl.pdf")
## display(curpl)
2022-05-07T19:50:10.965112image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.5.2,
In [18]:
## plot statistical covariance surface plot
curpl = @df sigma_stat_df surface(
  title=L"$e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)$",
  xlabel="Energy [GeV]",
  ylabel="Energy [GeV]",
  ## zlabel="σ covariance",
  ## camera=(0, 90),
  clims = (

##--- don't show plot
In [19]:
## functions for producing contour plots of stat covariance

## get covariance as function of two energies
## energy bins are the same for sigma values / uncertainties and covariance
## stat. cov. dataframe lists covariance coefficients by row and column
function sigma_stat_cov(E_x::Float64, E_y::Float64)::Union{Float64, Missing}
  E_bin_x = find_E_bin(E_x, sigma_df.E_l, sigma_df.E_h)
  E_bin_y = find_E_bin(E_y, sigma_df.E_l, sigma_df.E_h)
  if (E_bin_x == nothing || E_bin_y == nothing)
    return missing
  ## interpret cov values vector as matrix with n rows and n columns
  ## return appropriate cov value for required row and column
  reshape(sigma_stat_df.sigma_stat_cov, (nrow(sigma_df), nrow(sigma_df)))[E_bin_x, E_bin_y]

##--- get correlation as function of two energies
function sigma_stat_corr(E_x, E_y)
  sigma_stat_cov(E_x, E_y) / sqrt(sigma_stat_cov(E_x, E_x) * sigma_stat_cov(E_y, E_y))

In [21]:
## plot statistical covariance contour plot
curpl = @df sigma_df contourf(
  range(extrema(vcat(:E_l, :E_h))..., length=500),
  range(extrema(vcat(:E_l, :E_h))..., length=500),
  ## clims = ...,
  color = :blues,
  title=L"$\sigma[e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)]$ [nb] statistical covariance",
  xlabel="Energy [GeV]",
  ylabel="Energy [GeV]",
  size=(600, 500)
2022-05-07T19:50:21.356640image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.5.2,
sys:1: UserWarning: The following kwargs were not used by contour: 'label'
In [22]:
## plot statistical correlation contour plot
curpl = @df sigma_df contourf(
  range(extrema(vcat(:E_l, :E_h))..., length=500),
  range(extrema(vcat(:E_l, :E_h))..., length=500),
  ## clims = ...,
  color = :blues,
  title=L"$\sigma[e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)]$ [nb] statistical correlation",
  xlabel="Energy [GeV]",
  ylabel="Energy [GeV]",
  size=(600, 500)
2022-05-07T19:50:25.688291image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.5.2,
In [23]:
## plot systematic covariance contour plot
## there is no systematic covariance, just diagonal systematic uncertainties

## plot
curpl = @df sigma_syst_df contourf(
  range(extrema(vcat(:E_l, :E_h))..., length=500),
  range(extrema(vcat(:E_l, :E_h))..., length=500),
  (x, y) -> sigma_syst_cov(x, y),
  ## (x, y) -> log(syst_cov(x, y)),
  ## clims = ...,
  color = :blues,
  ## levels = exp.(range(log.(extrema(sigma_syst_df.E))..., length=10)),
  title=L"$\sigma[e^+e^- \rightarrow \pi^+\pi^-(\gamma)]$ [nb], systematic covariance",
  xlabel="Energy [GeV]",
  ylabel="Energy [GeV]",
  size=(600, 500),
2022-05-07T19:50:32.147929image/svg+xmlMatplotlib v3.5.2,
In [24]:
first(sigma_df, 4)

4 rows × 5 columns

E_l E_h sigma_val sigma_unc E
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 0.3 0.31 25.4904 2.69943 0.305
2 0.31 0.32 35.4801 2.91464 0.315
3 0.32 0.33 45.4858 3.04669 0.325
4 0.33 0.34 51.7825 3.13355 0.335
In [25]:
last(sigma_df, 4)

4 rows × 5 columns

E_l E_h sigma_val sigma_unc E
Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64 Float64
1 2.6 2.7 0.024211 0.0136672 2.65
2 2.7 2.8 0.013945 0.014118 2.75
3 2.8 2.9 0.009181 0.0132598 2.85
4 2.9 3.0 0.010228 0.0123726 2.95
In [ ]: